"The Finale, Part 1: Clint. Barney. The Building. The Tracksuit Draculas. The Clown. Ever seen "Rio Bravo"? Check it out, it’s pretty good."
By Matt Fraction & me, with Matt Hollingsworth, Raul Allen, and Chris Eliopoulos.
As usual, here you have an Spotify list with music for this issue, unofficial Soundtrack of Hawkeye #21.
Playlist also available in YouTube.
Here goes a preview. Lettered one up at CBR.

Too little, too late. I checked it out here and left it on the shelf in protest. You guys lost me a while ago with the musical chairs on the art chores and the incredible delays. Marvel has done it again! Way to kill a great character!
It's a fantastic issue, absolutely worth the waiting. Thank you!
By the way, which cover is going to be on the trade paperback?
Thanks! No idea yet, I have suggested this one to pair with the LA WOMAN one, tho.
I remember reading reading the original "Aliens" series by Mark A. Nelson and Mark Verheiden back in 1988 when Dark Horse was just starting out. They were releasing the issues about 6 months apart. And you know what? Every issue was worth the wait. Art must not be a machine! I have not felt that experience of waiting in anticipation for an amazing comic since those days until now. It is worth the wait every time David, so don't listen to the haters. Take your time and tell the story the way you want to tell it, when you want to tell it. Its the way we want to see it. The people will wait. It's ok to be the Axl Rose of comics. Well done sir! I hope 100% that you use the cover of 21 as the cover for the TPB and the hardcover as well. Its the best cover of the series IMO. I have to ask one thing. As you know, Hawkeye's palette is blue and purple. That's how your first covers started and then there was the shift to yellow and red. I mean don't get me wrong. They're cool, but why change the colors? Is there a deeper significance to the yellow and red? It would be awesome to see the cover of issue 21 in blue and purple used on the omnibus. Thanks for an amazing run. Thanks for the killer tunes! I've been reading only Hawkeye from Marvel since the early '80's and your run topped everything ever done...
It's a simple story, Marvel wanted to add a red banner in every comic they published, so I thought to play with that integrating it instead letting it as a post-it, heh.
So...let me get this straight: you couldn't keep up a monthly schedule on this book, but now, miraculously there will be two issues within two weeks of each other. Too bad it took so long to get your mojo working!
Great news!!! I just picked up #1 of the new Hawkeye series, and it turns out that you and Fraction are not indispensable.
The new Hawkeye series just feels like a cheap knock-off. David Aja, u da best.
That "cheap knock-off" at least comes out on schedule, unlike the previous creators who didn't seem to give a damn about the fans. Canadians do it best, after all!
Now Hawkeye #22 is rescheduled for June 10?! Only takes you 4 months to put out the next issue of a monthly?! Yours is probably the worst record of any Marvel creator in its 75-plus-years in the market. Next time you plan on taking on a major character maybe see if they can give you a few years lead time first, so you don't repeatedly disappoint fans...again.
I am a real fan of your work, which includes what you've done with Hawkeye. While I haven't always been able to pick up every issue "on time" -- thank the cost of college textbooks for that -- I have to say that its been a real treat to have moved away to a college town with a comic book store just in time to see some of my favorite characters have their fresh breathes. Not all of them have made it (RIP All New X-Factor, All New Ghost Rider, Young Avengers, and more) but even in their limited lives it has been a treat. I am glad to see Hawkeye worked on, since the characters involved in the stories are some of my favorites. I've always liked the underdog. Favorites to such an extent that once I couldn't wait to read the issue I had picked up, and while I had good luck reading Kate Brown's Young Avengers issue in an IHOP apparently Steak 'n Shake is a dangerous place to read Hawkeye; the waitress tripped and my orange Fanta came flying across the table and I never had a reflexive heart attack grabbing a comic so quickly in my life, but it was saved. Basically this is just a ramble now. You do good work, man, and I hope you are proud of it since you should be.
Thanks Zeke!
Now Hawkeye #22 is delayed until July?! By then I'm figuring the all-new Hawkeye will have cranked out about four issues while you seemingly sit on your hands! Comics are not your metier, my friend. Too bad your obvious talent is wasted on them. However, whatever you choose to pursue in the future, just remember...there will always be deadlines. That's the bottom line. Too bad Marvel let you spend so much time dicking around.
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