
19 August 2011

Wolverine: Debt Of Death First Preview

Out September 07 from Marvel, a Wolverine 34 pages one-shot.
Written by David Lapham, Drawn by me and Colors by Elizabeth Breitweiser.

Updated 27 August 2011 with 5 more pages. Full preview here.


Anonymous said...

Simply stunning!

Anonymous said...


This is waht we have been waiting for!

These pages are awesome, man!

Can't wait!

.j. christopher greulich

Fernando Blanco said...

Que sepas que me generas mucha envidia... y de la insana.

Por cierto ¿no tendrás pensado ir a la NYCC de octubre?

Anonymous said...

Amazing love them with or without colors..great job David!

Anonymous said...

More gorgeous pages here:

Chris Cormier said...

David, your work is, as usual, stunning. Thank you for posting, and please, keep it up.

More posts, please! Time permitting, of course. :)

David Aja said...

Thanks all!
Fernándo, gracias, creo, je. Y no, no voy a ir.

Anonymous said...

Cannot wait for SA preview!

shane oakley said...

JESUS!! this is dammed fine.
rare you see such strong storytelling in a marvel comic.

this means i gotta go to a comic shop and buy it...

Anonymous said...

I noticed you are finishing your SA issue.
Any hints whats next for you?

Anonymous said...

can you tell us how you did the rain in this book? was it photoshop or razorblade on ink? How did you create the rain?

David Aja said...

Thanks Shane!

Rain was done drawing black lines in a paper, scan them, turn them white and overlay them on PS ;)

Santiago García said...

I've just read the book and I'm still reeling. Awesome, man. And I think you've paid all your (artistic) debts in this "Debt of Death". My favorite page is the one with Nick Fury inside the shuttle. If only all superhero comics were like this... Thank you and congratulations, David. Take a glass of Yllera on my behalf.

David Aja said...

Eres un amor Santi.

diego Blanco said...

David fella, eres la hostia in vinegar. Cómo molan las navecitas tipo torreta Sperry, ¡frikazo!

David Aja said...

Ja, sí, totalmente torreta Sperry.
Gracias majo.

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