
28 June 2010

Immortal Weapons: characters sketches

I co-create these guys with Matt Fraction and Ed Brubaker for Immortal Iron Fist series. Their debut was in issue #8, first part of he 7 Capital Cities of Heaven arc.


david rubín said...



Raul Allen said...

These bring some good memories!
Working on those issues was fun.

Unknown said...

Aja, i really miss you work on immortal iron fist. It was one of my favorite comic book runs of the decade and your art on it was incredible. I only wish you could provide your services on a Iron Fist mini series in the future. If not thank you for you time and showing the potential of one of my favorite characters in Marvel Comics (Iron Fist).

David Aja said...

David,¡hola majo!¡Gracias!
Raúl,no pienso hablar en inglés contigo, je.
Phillip, Thanks dude!We will see in a future but no plans for IF by now. Though I really love the character too.

Raul Allen said...

I think you have mistaken me for somebody else.
Yo habla una poco de españolo sola mente majo.
Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

i hope u get to work on Iron Fist again Your work is awesome

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